Our world is bad, better than before, and can be much better!

⚠️ We live in an era of “polycrisis” that includes the Extinction-Climate crisis.
🌍 Human activities have destabilized our Planet’s ecological systems, threatening all other global systems like food production, trade, and security.
🥺 The relentless bad news can be overwhelming.

🗣️ Since we’re starting a new year that already seems mired in the old, it is important to remember: “The world is awful. The world is much better. The world can be much better. All three statements are true at the same time.” ~ Our World in Data @ourworldindata
🛟 We’re keeping these 3 truths top of mind as we learn about and connect the dots between individual global crises – especially the Extinction Crisis and Climate Crisis – and their solutions.
🙏 Thanks to our followers for joining us on this journey!

🤜 You have the power to help solve the Extinction-Climate Crisis, by taking individual action.
🍰 We’re not sugar-coating this catastrophe.
🙋‍♀️ Tackling it needs collective as well as individual action, but every single person can be part of the solution.

🎬 Start wherever you are. Any action is better than none!
🧐 Decide what actions are right for you.
👣 Take small steps and aim for progress not perfection.